Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back at it

After a wonderful family leave I'm looking to start getting refocused on both my diet and my workouts.  I haven't been off the rails on the diet side, but definitely going to the dark chocolate well a little more often than just the occasional treat, more like daily.  I also want to work on my stress eating and it's close cousin procrastination eating.  On the workout side, it's been sporadic at best and a little less of a 'plan' than I'd like to admit.  I did my Paleo Challenge baseline test this morning and got 18 deadhang pullups and 11 handstand pushups.  I'm looking to get those up to 21/15.  My second goal in the gym for the Challenge is to get a body weight snatch.  My snatch when we tested a few weeks ago was 167 with a body weight of 176.  So my goals for just over 3 weeks from today are:

Pull ups - 21
HSPU - 15
Snatch - Body Weight (probably ~170) 

My plan to get there on the diet side is
Cut out all dark chocolate
Cut out all cheese, I've been doing goat's milk and just want to see what happens if I take it out.
Be aware of my stress eating/procrastination eating, don't unless actually hungry
Since based on the above plan I'm removing some items, I need to make sure I'm eating enough

I'm assuming just doing this will get me back under 170 with very limited strength loss

I also tested out my Olympic Total to set a baseline since I'm going to try and get more consistent in the gym.  Results were in line with my expectations and well off any prs, but they are what they are, the weights don't lie.
Squat - 280
Press -145
Dead - 335

My gym plan is:
1 crossfit class per week
3 times to the box per week.
Specific pullup / hspu work 2 times per week
Specific snatch work once per week

So far today, it's been really clean.  I did some black tea and some fast twitch for pre-workout, no breakfast.  Then did about a 1/2 lb burger for lunch with some wilted arugula and then about two hours later did a 1/4 lb burger and a mixed green salad.  Working through the CSA box already.

I'm going to start posting more info for my Paleo Challenge Teams.  I'm looking forward to them sweeping the podium in 3 weeks!  Feel free to post questions here or email as you've been doing.  

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