Saturday, July 9, 2011

Garlic Scapes

Jess and I have really enjoyed these, with last week being the first time we'd ever heard of or seen them.  The green end is solid all the way to the bulb and all edible.  We're working through the first one, we've been using it just like garlic.  The end seems to be the most mild and it gets a little more intense as you work your way down.  Works well raw or sauteed.


  1. I grew up eating these. There is a common Korean side dish where it is cut up in inch long pieces and pickled in a spicy brine. So if anyone's into pickling, these would be really good. Or throw into your next giardiniera.

    But like Zack said, pretty much can use as a garlic substitute, but don't need to cook it through as much because it's already mild.

  2. So should we slice them up like chives and sautee them that way?

  3. Emily, yeah, slice them up similar in size to how you'd slice up chives or green onion. They're solid through versus hollow, so take that into account when deciding how big of pieces you want in your dishes.

  4. JJ - I saw this recipe for pickled garlic scapes, might give it a go.
